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Three Books, Three Nuggets, Three Thank You’s

By February 6, 2021February 18th, 2021The Saints

Christ Our Life IowaMy good friend Carol Zimmerman (from Divine Treasures Catholic Books and Gifts) recently gave me some gems from the store. They are three little prayer books based on the spirituality of three different saints. Each one is designed with a very short, powerful reflection, a short phrase from the reflection that you are meant to meditate upon throughout the day, and then a response prayer to pray before bed. Each book is meant to take you through one month.

I have never been able to relate to long or wordy prayers. So most prayer books don’t work for me. And I don’t relate very well to poetry. My brain isn’t wired that way. These books are perfect.

St. Catherine of Siena

I just finished the first one called “Set Aside Every Fear,” taken from the words of God to St. Catherine of Siena, my patron saint.

I have to say it has already had a profound effect on my spiritual life.

Three nuggets in particular will live with me forever from this book.

In the first one God says to Catherine, “Enjoy my love.” Wow! What a concept. I have a tendency to complicate things and to fuss and worry that I am not getting it right, or doing enough. I know that isn’t the way it works. We don’t earn God’s love. But that tendency is strong in me.

The whole idea that God just wants us to relax and enjoy His love hit a bullseye in my heart. When I think of it, it just makes me smile. All I have to do is go back to that thought at any time and I feel joy.

The next thing that God told her that really stuck with me is “I Am, you are who is not.” Just let that percolate for awhile. Let God speak to you in those words.

The third nugget was a prayer from Catherine to God:

“Eternal Trinity
you are my Creator.
I am the work of your hands
and I know how deeply enamored you are
with the beauty of your workmanship.

O Abyss,
O Godhead,
O Sea Profound,

What more could you give me
than you have already given,
for you have given me yourself.”

Karen Siena, God’s workmanship

God not only made me, He is enamored of the beauty of His workmanship. If we can allow ourselves to believe that God is that in love with us, it changes everything.

Three Thank You’s

Thank you to my friend for following the prompting of the Holy Spirit and for giving me these books.

Thank you St. Catherine for finally revealing yourself to me after all these years.

And mostly, I thank you God for always making me know how much I need you, for making me just the way I am, and for being enamored of your creation.

I love you so much dear God, and just want to love you more and more. I look forward to someday being in your beautiful presence.