I am a sucker for conversion stories, especially stories of conversions to the Catholic Church. I can't get enough of them. They help me to see my faith with fresh eyes and they always make me so proud to be…
Year after year I read this article, written in 1949 by the late Vermont Royster and published in the Wall Street Journal. It never gets old and never fails to move me. It seems particularly relevant this year. Fellow Christians,…
You know how every once in awhile you hear something that makes so much sense and seems important for you to remember? Here are a few of the things I have heard over the years that have stopped me in…
By Ann Husted Burleigh In God's plan of history - that mysterious drama that unites God's providential care with our freedom - there are particular moments that reveal with glittering clarity that God is in charge. For Americans, Independence Day…
In our last blogpost, I was lamenting the fact that people are continuing to stay away from reception of the Holy Eucharist. After all, the Holy Eucharist is: The Bread of Life Food For Our Journey The Source and Summit…
Mass at Holy Trinity today was a beautiful celebration of Corpus Christi. The music did the feast justice. We had a procession with the Blessed Sacrament, and Fr. Mark gave a wonderful sermon on the power and reality of the…
Fr. Walter Ciszek I recently finished the most powerful and impactful book titled He Leadeth Me, by Fr. Walter J. Ciszek S.J. It is the story of his spiritual journey and the faith which gave him the courage to survive…
We're so excited our Des Moines Mary's Meals: Race to Feed Kids (5K/10K) is back for 2021!! The Des Moines Mary's Meals: Race to Feed Kids isn't your average run/walk. It's a passion to end hunger for our world's youth…
DISCLAIMER: We intend for this blog to be a forum for a free flow of ideas, inspiration and prayer. To that end, we will be including a variety of guest writers. Blog posts may not always represent the views of the core COL team.