I am a sucker for conversion stories, especially stories of conversions to the Catholic Church. I can't get enough of them. They help me to see my faith with fresh eyes and they always make me so proud to be…
9th annual Race to Feed Kids in support of Mary’s Meals Join us in-person or virtually at 9am CDT for the 9th annual Race to Feed Kids in support of Mary’s Meals, an international feeding charity that provides a daily meal to children in their…
by Tom Quiner https://youtu.be/Gzif0afjN5A Dr. Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and author, reflected on the crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday: “You cannot write a more tragic story. It is impossible. It’s an aggregation of everything people are afraid of.…
by Tom Quiner, Pulse Life Advocates The scene: the Iowa State Fair. Pulse Life Advocates and our allies, Iowa Right to Life, shared a pro-life booth in the Varied Industries Building a few years ago. A woman walked by our…
By Tom Quiner Today is bigger than Christmas. Today, the Feast of the Annunciation, celebrates the instant God became incarnate, nine months before His birthday on Christmas. A movement has blossomed within the pro-life community to also recognize this day…
by Tom Quiner Holy families are built on a foundation of faith with God at its center. The commitment of a sacramental marriage is its bricks and mortar, leading to more fulfilling long term family-life. Why is the family important?…
Year after year I read this article, written in 1949 by the late Vermont Royster and published in the Wall Street Journal. It never gets old and never fails to move me. It seems particularly relevant this year. Fellow Christians,…
You know how every once in awhile you hear something that makes so much sense and seems important for you to remember? Here are a few of the things I have heard over the years that have stopped me in…
By Ann Husted Burleigh In God's plan of history - that mysterious drama that unites God's providential care with our freedom - there are particular moments that reveal with glittering clarity that God is in charge. For Americans, Independence Day…
DISCLAIMER: We intend for this blog to be a forum for a free flow of ideas, inspiration and prayer. To that end, we will be including a variety of guest writers. Blog posts may not always represent the views of the core COL team.